
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Fiction Idea #46

This one isn't very well-developed yet, but it's worth throwing out there.

Working Title: Witchlet

Genre: Fantasy

Protagonist: Antheia, a centuries-old witch who appears to be somewhere in her twenties or early thirties. She has dark red hair that hangs straight to her shoulder blades. Her face is angular, and she's more thin than skinny, although she's still fairly attractive. She doesn't have a tendency to take most things seriously despite her severe cynicism, and her playful side is quite malicious. As a child, she was much more quavering and afraid to hurt others.

Other Main Characters: In flashbacks, the other main character is Antheia's older brother Lazarus. He was tall, blonde, and fairly well-built, and he sacrificed a lot of his personal life to take care of his sister.
In present day, Antheia's only company is her coworkers at the business firm and her tabby cat Samantha.

Antagonist: Phillip, a young man with brown skin and dark, medium-length hair. A bit naiive, he enjoys climbing and works as a mechanic. He's under the impression that Antheia saved his life once before, and he's determined to pay her back somehow.

Setting: Massachusetts. The flashbacks are mostly during a witch hunt, and the other story is moder-day.

Plot: In the frequent flashbacks, a 7-year-old Antheia (who has been cursed with witchhood but has not made an actual pact with the devil) struggles not to be found out for what she is. Lazarus is her main protector.
In present day, Antheia goes about her business until Phillip finds her out. She does her best to throw him off the trail, but he's determined to reach out to her.

Point of View: Third person, limited to Antheia.


  1. An antagonist ho isn't a bad guy. Those sound hard to write. I'd want to see how you'd write it.

  2. Yeah, by the time of the story, Antheia is definitely a "bad guy," so it's a reversed sort of thing. I've always wanted to try it, although this story hasn't really been needling me much.

  3. The idea of switching back and forth between colonial and modern-day Massachusetts (I swear, that state is the hardest word ever to spell ... DX) really appeals to me, probably because I love historical fiction and flashbacks so much. It'd also be cool to see how you'd handle a villain protagonist! (I guess you've done so a bit with a few sympathetic careers, but they weren't the main characters of their stories.)

    1. That's true. it'll be interesting to see a longer journey, as it were.
