
Monday, December 17, 2012

New Manga Idea #1

I felt I should put this in a different category than the fiction ideas, since this is a different medium. While Mayflies was close to becoming a manga, these are the ideas I just can't see only in writing. This did not stem from a fan fiction idea, as it was long before I saw Hetalia.

Title: Man in the Blade

Genre: Shounen

Protagonist: Hora, ambiguously aged teenage boy with messy, short-ish black hair and a very large, brawny frame. He's ridiculously lazy when it comes to anything involving education or thinking, but if it's physical activity, he'll usually put some effort into it. One thing peculiar about him is that though most in this universe have a balance between chi (inward energy) and aura (outward energy, used in spells), his energy is entirely chi.

Other Main Characters: Shia, about the same age as Hora, she has long, black hair in a high ponytail and is rather tall and on the thin side. She is very stoic and not that talkative.
Qin, same age as Hora, he has auburn hair and astounding good looks but is fairly short. He's arrogant, though it's not unfounded, and he and Hora clash like nothing else.
Chiba ("Chibs"), same age as Hora, she has dyed pink hair that's rather short, and she's a midget. Sort of the average teenage girl, she can be shallow but is also a tech genius.
"Cahokia," (Blades cannot remember their real names or most events in their lives before) thirty years old, mid-length blonde hair in a low ponytail and on the scrawny side. He is blatantly cheerful and eccentric and was a literature professor in Brittack before he was a Blade.

Antagonists: Arck, leader of the vigilante group closest to a government in the sparsely populated colonial area where Hora and the others live. He's thirty-three, tall and muscular, and uses an axe-like blade.
"The Gentleman," a long-time friend of Arck and his second-in-command. He always dresses nicely and is excessively polite.
Various other semi-governmental agents are also involved.

Setting: A Western America-like colonial area with about no official government. It has some gang issues, so most who live there carry weapons, most of which are Blades. Blades are the combination of a weapon (there are some specific requirements for this) and a human spirit. Each Blade has a specific magical technique available, but general magic can be used for any weapon. There are also mini-worlds inside each Blade in which the Blade (term also refers to the spirit alone) resides, though the Blade can still see the outside world, and a human the Blade doesn't hate can enter the world for some amount of time.

Plot: Amidst his normal troubles in the colonial area, Hora comes upon information showing corruption in the bounty-hunting vigilante group so serious even he has to take action. The group, of course, tries to stop him and his friends, but in the process he obtains information that his little brother (years earlier found drowned in a creek) may still be alive as a Blade. Hora of course has to find the truth about this.

I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to go on with this. It found its beginning when I still wanted to be a mangaka, and since then I've considered trying to make it into a text-only story, but it's just not working for me. Besides, Cahokia's too adorable to not actually appear in all of his scenes.

If you want any more details, ask. This is a very broad summary.


  1. Sounds very cool! I like the idea of blades having different worlds inside them. The 'blades being people' thing kind of reminds me of Soul Eater (I don't know if you've seen that.)

  2. Yeah, I actually started watching Soul Eater recently and started to think this sounded like somewhat of a rip-off, xD
