
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New Fan Fiction Idea #22

I actually started writing this one but gave up during the second chapter. I could go back to it eventually.

Working Title: White Room

Fandom: Hetalia

Genre Tags: Mystery/Drama or General

Length: Multichapter

Protagonist: No one character in particular.

Other Main Characters: The main nine characters have no recollection of themselves and refer to each other by the numbers on their wristbands. In reality, the characters are the Axis and Allies (including Canada).

Antagonist: Unclear for most of the story, where most of the obstacles are machines and puzzles. They're two men, though, and they're not necessarily on a totally different side than the mains.

Setting: An indoor facility with wide rooms, thick walls, and heavily locked doors (when they're meant to be locked). Rooms with food, water, and other facilities are distributed at nearly-even intervals between the main rooms.

Plot: The main characters awaken in hospital beds arranged in a grid. Not knowing who they are, they try to figure it out and escape. They must go through a series of puzzles and physical trials before they can meet the operators at the end and realise who they are.

Point of View: Third person (omniscient).


  1. Kind of reminds me of a horror movie I heard about (can't remember what it was called, though). I like the idea that the characters don't know who each other are; I think it would be an especially interesting touch if the readers didn't know either, at least for a while until it became apparent. The mysterious identity of the culprits is also intriguing; I'm assuming they're going to be Hetalia characters as well?

    1. I think it was based off some online video game. I can't remember what exactly it was, though, and there was only one main character.

      Yeah, the narrative actually refers to them as One, Two, etc.

      At this point, I think the culprits are human OCs. You never know what could happen, though...
