
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Prompt Writing #7

Perhaps not the most exciting, but a short bit of character exploration nevertheless.

Prompt [2YN generator]:

"Yesterday, your character had a chance to meet an alternate version of themselves. Today, they wake up in a world _almost_ like their own. A world populated with different versions of the people they knew. Can they return home? Or will they be trapped forever among familiar strangers?"

Randomly Selected Story and Character: Suture, Jethro


In this world, Jethro was not in fact a student at the university. When a baffling new reason to study thermodynamics hadn't been thrust upon him, it wasn't surprising.

The others were still in the area, though, virus or no virus. Powers or no powers.

And he had no particular reason not to check up on them.

Midas was the easiest to find, since he was the only one actually enrolled at the university. He was easy to walk behind for a while, too, with his earbuds perpetually in his ears. He didn't seem to be in any trouble. Got to class on time, didn't really interact with friends. It was Midas all right, even if his occasional subconscious conducting wasn't controlling any heartbeats in the area. There wasn't terribly much reason to stay after him.

Sven was at his high school three streets over. He was eating lunch with a few friends Jethro didn't recognise. Of course, he'd only seen Sven at the studying sessions, which were not open to the common populace. There was no reason to assume Sven didn't actually have friends. Perhaps his personality wasn't the most conducive to that, but he did have a life outside of his abilities. Jethro could stand to learn a bit more about him personally.

Not here, though. Not in this world. Although little time had passed since the illness had changed any of them, they were still slightly different people. He couldn't leave the other world, the one in danger, to his powerless self.

If he could find his way back, at least.


  1. I remember this story well because of the cool superpowers everyone had (particularly Midas' conducting and the twin girls with the salt and sugar). Not that this should have any effect on what you choose to write, but I'd like to see more of it! :)

    1. Yeah—it's one where I really like the characters (and their powers), but it hasn't really "attacked" me yet, you know?

    2. Don't worry, I get what you mean.
