
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Dream Journal #19

More like a nightmare, but not so much terrifying as saddening.

10 May—11 May

Larry had been given the death sentence. I was on my 2DS, playing the scenario like a normal Ace Attorney game as a male character (presumably Phoenix). The male character came to visit Larry not long before the sentence was to be carried out. Larry was doing his best to put on a strong face, although he was still crying a little bit. As he was dragged to the room, he commented that he would rather join the army than die or go on being a loser artist. The executioner dragging him was some sort of active army man, but he gave Larry a look akin to "nice try, buddy" and took him.

I myself was crying as the man strapped Larry down. Larry craned his neck up and told the two friends (one of them being the character I was playing) that it was okay if we didn't want to watch. The other man and my character silently put on the thick, metal masks we were given to protect ourselves and stayed. The general, wearing his own mask, held up something like a short curtain rod and began the execution. Although very little could be seen naturally, through the bluish lenses of our masks we were able to see the electricity arcing out from the rod and going over Larry. After a minute of this, he was dead. I, however, clung to the dim hope that the man hadn't actually gone through with it because of the army comment and Larry only appeared to be dead.

Suddenly the situation had changed and the dead character was Sokka. Aang had a plan to get him back and slung his body over his shoulder to get him out of there.

Then I was back in a carpeted room of my apparent house. Annie* had to be put down, so we made her eat a little poison. She was rather normal at first, going around wearing her navy sweater with light blue stripes. My parents, aunt and uncle, and I played with her for a while before she threw up a little, getting dark brown on her whiskers. We didn't think much of it until the vet in the room informed us that schnauzers didn't throw up that way. Realising it was an effect of the poison, we fell silent and watched her solemnly. She kept trying to walk around to all of us, but her limbs were slowly stiffening, and she could only progress in jerks. It was such a heartbreaking sight that I tried to stop her from moving by hugging her, but she kept going.

*Annie is my aunt's miniature schnauzer. She's a sweetheart.


  1. Sheesh, that is disturbing. D: I can't really remember any of the dreams I had lately, except for one involving the next Nancy Drew game (to sum up: 4 or so siblings from the U.S. were on some sort of game show where they reunited with their 30 long-lost siblings in Greece. Nancy went overseas to solve some sort of mystery connected with this, and along the way stumbled across a culprit from a previous game, who apparently had two older twin sisters named Kathy and Angel. Idk.)
