
Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Fan Fiction Idea #28

I'd like to toy with this, but I know it will fall short of the state of inspiration I had for Phoenix Wright: Ace Tribute.

Working Title: Tributes and Tribulations

Fandom: Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)/Hunger Games crossover

Genre Tags: Suspense/(I never know what to tag Hunger Games stories)

Length: Multichapter

Protagonist: Viola Cadaverini (15 years old, District 9).

Other Main Character: Furio Tigre (18 years old, District 9).

Antagonists: The other tributes, taken mostly from Trials and Tribulations and aged appropriately. Includes Ron DeLite, Desiree DeLite, Luke Atmey, a Hawthorne or two, Terry Fawles, Glen Elg and Lisa Basil (most certainly District 3), Shelly de Killer, and Adrian Andrews.

Setting: An early Games, in the vicinity of the 15th. The arena is mostly beach- and island-like.

Plot: There are certain... problems in District 9 we need to take care of, as you know well. What would you believe to be the best place to strike?
If I'm not mistaken, two vital pieces seem to be eligible for the Games...
Do you mean... rigging the reapings, sir?
Something of the sort. And there are a few in other districts whom we may want to take care of as well...
Viola is reaped in spite of her family name, and a certain grandfather assigns Furio to get her back alive.

Point of View: First person (Viola).


  1. Wow, I'd LOVE to see another PW/HG crossover from you, Journey! You've already got me so excited, hehe. I looked up all these people on the Ace Attorney Wiki in order to find out what they look like, although I didn't read too far in because I'd probably be spoiled. Please do write this; it looks so awesome! (And you know I love your HG crossovers!)

    1. Haha, I've already written the first two chapters. Now that I've (just) finished the last pre-beta draft of Along the Winding Road, I might be able to commit the time to it. And it would be all first-person, but still more in the vein of the Brutal series than Ace Tribute, with Phoenix and co. out of the picture.

    2. So that's what you've been busy with! :) By "more in the vein of the Brutal series," do you mean more focused on the games and less on the mystery? (I thought it was really clever how you incorporated a whodunit theme into Phoenix's story, but you're right that it might be hard to duplicate).

    3. Yeah, especially if I don't want to try pulling the same trick twice.
