
Friday, May 16, 2014

New Fiction Idea #50

Based on a prompt where god/demigod genetics were passed down in a typical Mendelian fashion.

Working Title: Detective Punnett, Demigod

Genre: Mystery/Humour, bit of Supernatural I guess

Protagonist: Detective Aristotelis Punnett, a young man of strong stature with mediocre looks. In general, he prefers to be seated and contemplating various things, but he'll interact with others gruffly when the need arises. His immortality gene derives ultimately from Athena, and he has a certain strength and fighting skill that he never trained for.

Other Main Characters: Jim, Aristotelis's assistant/secretary and finder of jobs. He's a typical mortal and a little new to all of this weird stuff, but he does have good business skills and can wrangle paperwork like nobody else.
Aikaterine, The oldest child of the Punnett family who possesses both her parents' immortality genes. She's kind of a perfect girl and tends to be just modest enough to irritate people. She's beautiful and has a particular fondness for children, but she's extremely picky about suitors. She works at the local orphanage.
Theodora, the daughter one year younger than Aristotelis. She loves music, dance, and poetry and will either isolate herself or go out among the world depending on how she's feeling that day. Her immortality gene derives ultimately from Demeter, and she has keen organisational skills and some control over plants.
Marius, the youngest son of the family. The mortal child, he is the "emo" type and tends to go on and on about life being meaningless.

Antagonist: Unknown. A murder and thief who may be trying to set up a new organised crime ring.

Setting: Film noir-ish, in the 1940s. Large unnamed city that's a little ugly and smoky to look at. The immortality gene is rare due to increased pancreatic cancer rates, but it's still hanging around and blessing its recipients with some powers derived from the particular gene's source.

Plot: Detective Punnett gets a murder case to solve and finds himself on the trail of a rising criminal force. He must solve the crime, break up the ring before it gets rooted, survive visits from his siblings, and probably get a girl or something.

Point of View: Third person, limited to Aristotelis.


  1. What a cool idea! I love anything Greek-mythology related, so the idea of powers being passed down from the gods and goddesses to normal people is really interesting for me. I also like how you've set it in a historical time period that's not too long ago; most Greek myth stories I see are either set in Ancient Greece or in modern-day. Also, I see what you did there with naming the family Punnett. ;)

    1. Yeah, the time period leans more towards the genre than the twist.

      Hehe. They were named Punnett before I even knew this was a detective story. And the main character typically just goes my Detective Punnett since his given name's a bit of a mouthful.
