
Saturday, January 12, 2013

NaNoWriMo and Other Extreme Sports

I'm wondering whether or not I should do NaNoWriMo again this year.

The 2YN program I'm doing allots writing time during November, so it's compatible there.

I have no idea what my workload will be as far as education goes.

I'm not sure if writing 1,667 words a day for a month straight will be particularly useful. There are certainly other reasons I didn't like how last year's NaNo came out, but I already have a rather negative opinion of my normal writing, and I'd like to actually feel able to reread and edit what I write for Mayflies. I'm not sure what kind of writing schedule the 2YN recommends, but if it's under 1,667, I'm not sure I'll do NaNo.

It was certainly an experience; however, I more or less only undertook it to finally finish an original novel. Now that I have done that, I don't feel very motivated to participate this November.

I'm still not sure, but I do have time to decide.


  1. Personally, I'd do what you want to do for Mayflies. I find writing under a deadline to be stressful, and it doesn't give me the time I need to go back and edit. It's your choice, but that's what I'd recommend.

    Istillhaven'treadyourNaNoWriMonovelI'msosorry. D:

    1. If I don't give myself some sort of deadline, I don't do anything. I'll just have to figure out what exactly I'll do.

      Oh, good! I mean... I forgive you?
