
Sunday, February 3, 2013


I'm interested in the NaNoWriMo Pitchapalooza. There's an incredibly slim chance my pitch would be picked at random, and an even lower chance it would win, given that I've never written a pitch before.

It seems like a great opportunity, though, and I feel like I could use the practice even if mine personally won't come to anything. Despite the odds, the reward of an "introduction to an agent or publisher" seems like something from which I shouldn't just up and shy away.

I'm a bit torn as to whether I should try a pitch for The Winding Road or for Mayflies. At this point, The Winding Road has a lot more to it, and I'm slowing down Mayflies to keep my progress in sync with my online course. On the other hand, I just watched Warm Bodies, and it has a shocking number of elements exactly like The Winding Road. Certainly it's not the same, but the major points of my idea weren't nearly as original as I had thought.

There are some writing tips on the site, but, as someone who's never written more than however many characters allows in a summary, I'm still not sure how to actually do this 250-word thing. If anyone has experience with this, please share.

I seem to have the rest of the month to finish this, but this week is going to be terribly busy. I'll put all of my writing into Break Out, I think, and leave this for another time. Maybe I'll have figured out something about it by then.


  1. Sounds like an opportunity you should definitely go for. As for how to go about it, hmm ... imagine that your book's published already, and figure out what you would like written on the book jacket. I'd say that's what it should feel like. Despite what you said about TWR being similar to Warm Bodies, my personal opinion is that you'd be better off going with that, since you mave more of it planned out and written - but it's ultimately your idea.

    I hope it works out! :)

    1. Yeah, I'm starting to lean more towards TWR. I'm terrible at summaries, though—I really can't figure out how to do something other than what I put on FF, and I'm not entirely satisfied with that, either (and let's not even talk about some of the >Brutal series summaries...). And the 260 words here is just me rambling without trying to make things sound pretty.

      I don't know. I'll give it a shot, if I have the time.

    2. Hey, I love seeing how you'll work the title of the story into each Brutal series summary. ;)

    3. Okay, that much of it I can be happy about. ;)

  2. Also, 250 words isn't nearly as long as it seems. This blog entry itself is over 260, so don't let the word count intimidate you. :)
