
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fragments III

After Fragments I & II comes Fragments III, more incompleteness for you and me.

  • A character named Martha Bell who outlives her husband significantly (after seeing a couple's gravestone with the husband dying at about 40 in the 1930s and the wife with no end year inscribed)
  • A fighting gnome with an ice pick (how my mother described her earache)
  • A crack dictionary with fake definitions of the chemical elements (i.e. Manganese, n., the language spoken by otaku, or Boron, n., an idiot who can't even be interesting about it.)
  • Someone with a painfully Greek last name (I may end up giving a character in the original fiction version of The Long and Winding Road the last name Papadopoulos, so check.)
  • "They can turn off my feelings like they're turning off the light" (line from a Phil Collins song)
  • A story based on example sentences in the dictionary on my computer
  • Characters who fly planes over tornadoes/hurricanes and drop bombs down the middle of them to disperse the circulation (my father's idea for a real-life thing)
  • Action girls that are personifications of thunder and lightning
  • Someone who brings optical illusions to life/reality
  • Personality traits as currency
  • A Hetalia SpaIre fic insisting that the Black Irish origin myth does have at least one grain (or one couple) of truth to it


  1. Again, these are all really cool!

    Did you actually see a gravestone like that? Wow! Probably just some sort of an error, since I don't think anyone could live *that* long...

    Wonderful description of an earache. XD

    I laughed a lot over the fake definitions of the chemical elements! Very clever!

    Looks like Greece is going to be in TLWR, then? Or maybe not, as you're changing the ethnicities of several characters already, so that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

    The 'dropping bombs into hurricanes and tornadoes' and 'action girls personifying thunder and lightning' are both really cool! Maybe they could be in the same story somehow, since they're both weather-themed?

    Ooh, I like the optical illusions one.

    Personality traits as currency - do you mean people would pay for things using, say, bitterness or altruism or recklessness, instead of money? And that the recipients of the 'cash' would receive those characteristics themselves? That's very interesting - it could create all sorts of problems as some people lose their personalities and some become overdosed in them. People would start to forget who they are!

    I looked up the Black Irish myth, and there actually was something about Spanish traders! That's really neat!

    1. Graveyards are surprisingly inspirational places.

      I don't know whether Greece is going to be in the fanfic. This last name is for the alternate version of Ivan (Hektor), though.

      Hmm, those two would seem to have a similar theme... Maybe the girls are trying to stop the bombers? I don't know; I"ll think about it some more.

      The personality thing was actually a friend's (Mim's) concept. It seems really interesting, though, so I might try to use it in a way that isn't ripped off from whatever she ends up making of it.

      That's the first reason I started shipping that pairing. Although my Zoology teacher claimed it was sailors shipwrecked from the whole 1588 thing.

    2. But Journey, now I want to have them collect personality traits from this world you are describing in this way! XD It's a good way for it to work!

      Also, like the dictionaries too.

    3. Whoever publishes first gets to keep it! :P

      Naw, go ahead. I really like the idea, but I'll read it as soon as write it.

