
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fragments VIII

Insert a witty seven word phrase here
  • A character with Redd White's speech pattern (it's ridiculously fun to write, although it takes a lot of thesaurus time)
  • A character with a severed corpus collosum
  • An REM behaviour disorder episode or two being a major plot point
  • Someone trying to repay a large, literal debt in an interesting fashion
  • A video game storyline
  • The one fellow from school who is always wearing headphones and singing along loudly to music regardless of where he is or who else is present (he also has a girlfriend who isn't much taller than her guitar)
  • The protagonist has actually set up the entire injustice behind his/her quest just for the chance to actually save someone in a significant way
  • The phrase "sugar and brain juice" in reference to what's being burned in a mental effort (said by a test prep speaker at the health sciences club)
  • More butlers
  • A magic user who has to permanently fuse one of his joints with every spell


  1. Well, you've already technically accomplished the first one!

    Would severed corpus collosum be fatal? Isn't it the thingy that connects the two halves of the brain?

    Hm, I looked up rapid eye movement to see if it's the same thing my mom has (turns out it isn't) and saw that it's sometimes associated with sleep paralysis. I get that sometimes. Well, not hallucinations, but I sometimes wake up and see my room around me and try to get up, but I can't move, and then I keep thinking that I got up and am walking down the hall and suddenly I appear back in my bed... -continues to ramble-

    Ooh, I really like the one about the protagonist setting up the injustice in order to save someone. That could go really deep. Like, it could be someone who's fed up with their helplessness and ineffectiveness in bringing about positive change in the world, and they eventually become so distressed that they set this whole thing up so they can feel like the hero for once. I could actually see a snapped!America doing that in FanFic.

    Haha, I like the sugar and brain juice, for some reason.

    Ooh, the last one's cool too.

    1. Very true! Violet is the one that made me want to do that more, though.

      It's not fatal, actually. Look up "split-brain patients." It's pretty cool.

      I think that's a lot more common than the behaviour disorder.

      Ooh, that's true. Maybe he was behind The Rules the whole time! Or not.
