
Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Fan Fiction Idea #4

One of those ideas I've had for a while but keep forgetting to put down.

Working Title: When Fangirls Attack

Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers

Genre Tags: Humour/Parody, or Romance/Parody

Length: Multichapter

Protagonist: England

Antagonist: Hordes of fangirls

Setting: Modern day, mostly in the vicinity of England's house.

Plot: England is feeling unloved one day and decides the best remedy is to summon his fangirls. Unfortunately, he slips up a bit in the spell, and hordes of fangirls for several nations (somehow also provided with shirts in the image of the flag of their preferred nations) appear. Now England has to stop them from mobbing their beloved ones, starting fan wars, and, most of all, ordering him to make out with nations he'd really rather not.

Point of View: Third person, limited to England.

It's basically a merciless satire of yaoi fangirls, with some prodding at us "normal" fangirls as well.


  1. Sounds beautiful. XD I'd appreciate it hugely if you could slip in a caricature of one of those self-righteous 'history' fangirls who bashes everyone who doesn't ship 'historically accurate' pairings. Honestly, they annoy me more than the rabid yaoi fans, because they act like it's just 'their' fandom and no one else's.
